Ambiguities Of Fairy Tales

145 131
Language English
Binding Paperback
ISBN-10 9390889456
ISBN-13 9789390889457
Book Weight 150 gm
Book Dimensions 5.5" x 8.5"
Edition 1st
Publishing Year 2021
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Author: Ronica Sharma

As she lived her life, she was always intrigued by the ambiguities in uncertainties, imperfection in perfection. She had her life’s lessons as she grew in her life through these ambiguities. She believes that life is ambiguous. This book is all about, creating an outlook of seeing both the sides of life. From the saga of once upon a time to a never-ending voyage of fairy tale has its own hidden Ambiguities to unfold. She is truly an admirer for being real and being authentic. This book talks about how vital it is to ‘Be Real’ while embracing the fantasy’s and mysteries of fairy tales. Life is like a coin it has two sides, similarly there are various anecdotes of fairy tales that this book highlights, we tend to see one side at a time. It’s important to remember that the other side too is waiting to unfold and remains hidden in our unconscious mind. A thoughtful, interesting, challenging your ways of thinking is all about the book “Ambiguities of Fairy Tales”. It’s a great read and it is a good perspective for the younger generations to have. Enjoy the fairy tales while embracing its Ambiguities





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