Managing Better With Checklists

150 135
Language English
Binding Paperback
Pages 57
ISBN-10 819619160X
ISBN-13 978-8196191603
Book Dimensions 5.50" x 8.50"
Edition 1st
Publishing Year 2023
Amazon Buy Link
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Author: Dr. K.J.S. Chatrath

Service Associations in the course of our work. This does raise the blood pressure of some of the executives though it need not be so if we follow some basic rules of the game.

1. To start with, it must be accepted that there is nothing bad in collective representation of grievances. On the other hand it should be taken as a healthy activity.

2. The representatives of unions / associations are after all the representatives of one or more sections of staff and, therefore, deserve to be treated with due respect and listened to.

3. Fix up formal meetings only with the recognized unions / associations. Normally, no formal record of discussions is kept of meetings with non-recognized groups. However, as an executive dealing with staff, it is advisable to meet any group that wants to meet you. In all such meetings, your second in command should also remain present.





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