Surrogacy: Socio-Legal Issues and Challenges

355 320
Language English
Binding Paperback
Pages 196
ISBN-10 9390889995
ISBN-13 978-9390889990
Book Dimensions 5.50 x 8.50 in
Edition 1st
Publishing Year 2022
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Author: Dr. Diptirekha MohapatraIndurekha Mohapatra

Surrogacy is a social act of highest level of service, which is scientific and brims with goodwill. Surrogacy or surrogate means substitute in medical parlance, the term surrogacy mean using of a substitute mother in the place of the natural mother. In Latin also “Surrogates” means a substitute i.e. a person appointed to act in the place of another. As per the Black’s Law Dictionary surrogacy means the process of carrying and delivering a child for another person. The New Encyclopedia Britannica defines surrogacy as a practice in which a woman bears a child for a couple unable to produce children in the usual way.



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