The Author is Mr. Ben. He is called, a published poet, writer, playwright, essayist, lyricist, spoken word, and voice-over artist. He has written a body of works that relate to several interests. His works touch on areas of education, inspiration, sexuality, entertainment, lifestyle, and other interests.  All with the aim of face-lifting mankind towards greatness. Given his multi-genre approach, Mr. Ben’s acrostic, G.A.N.G.S.T.A.R, which stands for Generally Appreciating Notable Genres by Stating Their Applicable Relevance, has now become his trademark. Based in Lagos, Nigeria, he delights in reading, traveling, and meeting people. The Book is based on Miss Alice, 24, always fond of being addressed as Aunty Alice, teaches Moral Instructions in an Elementary School. This time, she seeks to engage her pupils in a discussion regarding what they like and dislike about their parents.



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